Prof. Dr. Hans Hinterhuber
Founder and Chairman |
Hans Hinterhuber is founder and Chairman of HINTERHUBER & PARTNERS. He heads the company’s Strategy and the company’s Leadership practices. He is a leading strategy and leadership expert and advises companies and Chief Executive Officers worldwide.
His Harvard Business Review article “Are you a strategist or just a manager?” is widely ready by executives worldwide and part of the MBA core programme at Harvard Business School, Columbia Business School and other leading institutions.
Hans is professor Emeritus of Strategic Management and Business Policy at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and has been a visiting professor at Bocconi University (Milan, Italy) and Head of Faculty, International Institute for the Management of Technology (IIMT) in Milan, Italy. He is author of several path-breaking articles and books on strategy and leadership.
On Strategy and Leadership he has published in Harvard Business Review, Long Range Planning, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, European Management Journal, Harvard Business Manager, Industrial Marketing Management, and other international journals.
His books on strategic management are among the most widely read in German speaking countries.
He has held a number of management positions in multinational companies in the oil and gas industry in Italy and Austria. He is member of the supervisory board of companies in Germany, Austria, and Italy.
As advisor he has worked for more than 40% of the current DAX 30 member companies in Germany and for about a third of the current member companies of the Dow Jones Industrial index in Europe and the US.
He is born in Bruneck Italy (1938) and has business and engineering degrees from the University of Leoben (1960), from Cà Foscari University in Venice (1967) and from the University of Rome (1969).
On strategy and leadership he frequently speaks at international conferences.